American democracy is celebrated globally as the example for all other democracies to model their governments upon. Despite this prestigious reputation, the United States has lower voter turnout rates than many other democracies.
During this summative assignment, students will analyze and compare voter turnout for Presidential elections over recent decades. Students will examine three recent election turnouts to assess voter behavior. The three voter turnout case studies to be examined are for the Presidential elections of 1996, 2000 and 2008. Each case study will compare and contrast the characteristics designated in the template below. After completing all three voter turnout case studies, students will evaluate what policies, efforts and actions were successful at increasing voter turnout. The complete assignment should be between eight to ten pages in length. Students should ensure they answer the following questions with respect to the election year case studies and follow this general outline:
Case Study #1 Voter Turnout 1996
•What was the aggregate voter turnout for the 1996 election? •Is this turnout level higher or lower than normal election turnout? •Based on the outcome of the 1996 election (Bill Clinton elected), what key variable(s) might best explain the outcome; rules, political realities, strategies, or choices? •Were there any demographic patterns that played a major factor in the selection of the winner?
Case Study #2 Voter Turnout 2000
•What was the aggregate voter turnout for the 2000 election? •Is this turnout level higher or lower than normal election turnout? •Based on the outcome of the 2000 election (George W. Bush elected), what key variable(s) might best explain the outcome; rules, political realities, strategies, or choices? •Were there any demographic patterns that played a major factor in the selection of the winner?
Case Study #3 Voter Turnout 2008
•What was the aggregate voter turnout for the 2008 election? •Is this turnout level higher or lower than normal election turnout? •Based on the outcome of the 2008 election (Barack Obama elected), what key variable(s) might best explain the outcome; rules, political realities, strategies, or choices? •Were there any demographic patterns that played a major factor in the selection of the winner?
Compare, Contrast, and Conclude