
must answer these essay questions thoroughly…

Essay Questions

-What factors contributed to the development of civilization from the culture of prehistoric hunting and gathering societies?
-What were the centers of early civilizations and what characteristics did they share?
-What are the chief features of a civilization in your opinion?

-Required – cover page, bibliography, footnotes body of paper.

-Sources – 3 other than your textbooks and online course material.

-Other bits – 1 inch side margins. Times New Roman in 12 point size font.

-Style – Chicago or Turabian. DO NOT use APA or MLA or anything else.


Cover Page – this is the front page of your paper, it should have your name and the title of your essay on it.

Bibliography – this is the last page of your essay it lists every source you looked at even if you did not actually use it in the paper.

Footnotes – these are the citations of your sources that appear within the paper.

DO NOT use inline citations.

Grading – You will lose 10 points for each of the following –

No cover page, no bibliography, no footnotes, use of inline citations, use of a works cited page.

Remember this is a history paper. Do not refer to yourself unless you were alive in the prehistoric period.


3 pages double space

Based on all the readings Colonial Encounter: the Making of Indians

In this essay, you will answer the following question:

Between 1493 and 1548 (the years covered in the primary sources in this week’s reading), how did the idea of what an “Indian” was develop and change?

–Your paper should begin with a paragraph that introduces the reader to your answer to this question.
Do not write a summary. explain the reasons why
–Next, take each source in turn (and in chronological order). Show the reader specifically what each source tells us, and how it tells us that. Use quotes from the sources as necessary.

–Finally, conclude with a paragraph that reiterates your argument and brings together the evidence you have given throughout.


Answer ONE of the following question(s) as thoroughly and as in-depth as possible, using texts (Perspectives from the Past: Primary Sources in Western Civilizations) for source material or your expertise on the subject.

1. What effect does the conversion experience have on medieval civilization?
2. How does the role of religion in society change between polytheistic societies and monotheistic ones?
3. Compare and contrast the teachings of Jesus and Mohammed.

Out of This Furnace Review

you are required to read, Out of This Furnace and complete a book review. It will require you to break down the book critically by comparing it with primary sources and secondary sources the cover the books timeline. The review is designed to allow you to demonstrate you read the book. it should be between 700-1000 words in length and formatted Chicago Style.

Indians and Europeans

The documents “Resisting the Other,” “Iroquois,” and “Strange Country This,” our in-class discussions and the film “After the Mayflower,” along with the documents concerning colonial Euro-Americans tell us about important differences in political economy between Indians and Europeans. What were those important differences and how did class and gender interrelate within each of these two respective groups?

book review

chapter 5—– should be answered from this book—-THE EARTH AND ITS PEOPLES Fifth Edition
Global History/ volume 1: TO 1550
BY Richard W. Bulliet
Pamela Crossley
Daniel R. Headrick
Steven W. Hirsch
Lyman Johnson 

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln

3-4 The assassination of Abraham Lincoln was an act of conspiracy initiated by a small group of fanatics. His assassination gave rise to other conspiracies including cover-up and accusations of others involved in the conspiracy. In an analytical essay drawing on your reading of Blood on the Moon describe the Booth conspiracy; his relationship with Confederate operatives; Booth’s network of supporters in Maryland; his and other conspirators arrest, trial, and conviction; and the development of subsequent conspiracy theories. In your essay distinguish between actual conspiracy and conspiracy theory and how as students of history we can discern the difference.

New Jersey Colony and role in declaration of independence

Please research the history of the NEW JERSEY colony, and familiarize yourself with the actions taken by Britain towards the colony between 1763 and 1776.

Essay must show the arguments:
Advantages and disadvantages on why the New Jersey supports the declaration independence.

These assignments must clearly indicate that each student has researched the history of their own colony and has seriously weighed the pros and cons of independence
for their colony. This paper should be two full pages in length and ideally should follow the five paragraph essay format (Introduction/Thesis, Point 1, Point 2, Point 3, and Conclusion).

critically appraise

Critical appraisal is a systematic process used to identify the strengths
and weaknesses of a research article in order to assess the usefulness and
validity of research findings. The most important components of a critical
appraisal are an evaluation of the appropriateness of the study design for
the research question and a careful assessment of the key methodological
features of this design. Other factors that also should be considered
include the suitability of the statistical methods used and their subsequent
interpretation, potential conflicts of interest and the relevance of the
research to one’s own practice.

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